My Commitment to You

Now, more than ever, we need public servants committed to leading with integrity, conviction, and compassion to stand up for hardworking Nebraskans from all walks of life. As a retired Air Force Colonel and dedicated family man, I know the stakes have never been higher and I have the experience to make the “Good Life” even greater for future generations. 


With your help and support, I will be a champion for economic and workforce development, a fighter for real tax relief, an advocate for quality education, and a stalwart defender of public safety.



Fight for Fiscal Responsibility and Tax Relief


Your hard earned tax dollars are what legislators spend. They should ensure it is only being spent on what is the most impactful for the most Nebraskans. Nebraskans have been burdened with out-of-control taxes for far too long. Soaring property taxes and high income taxes on families and businesses have held back the full economic potential of every resident and driven key talent out of our state. We must work together to provide truly impactful and beneficial tax relief for Nebraskans.


I will work to streamline state government to increase efficiencies and cut wasteful spending to return your hard earned money back to your pocket. I will also fight to lower property taxes for Nebraska families and lower the tax burden for job creators so Nebraskans can thrive.

Unlock the Full Economic Potential of Nebraska

I believe in an economy that works for all of Nebraska. No matter where you come from, you deserve a chance to pursue your American Dream. This only comes to fruition through pro-growth, free-market policies. Government doesn’t create jobs, the spirit of free men and women do.


I will be a champion for these free market principles to drive economic growth and attract and retain talent in Nebraska. By eliminating burdensome regulations, lowering taxes for job creators, and investing in workforce development, we can chart a new and optimistic path for Nebraska for decades to come.

Champion Public Safety and Support Transportation Workers

After defending our nation for over two decades abroad, I understand the importance of promoting peace and protecting Nebraska families. For any state or community to thrive, we must work to foster safe and secure neighborhoods, communities, and schools by fully funding and supporting law enforcement.


I will always be an ardent defender of our first responders who serve our community with dignity, day in and day out. I oppose any calls to “defund the police” and oppose stripping away qualified immunity. Additionally, I will be an advocate for workplace and transportation safety to ensure that all forms of public and private transportation, worksites, and places of employment are safe for everyone.

Ensure Quality Education for All

In America, your zip code should not determine your success in life. I believe the greatest equalizer in America is a quality and affordable education and training for the trade industry. I will advocate on behalf of all children, parents, and their families to ensure that we are providing the highest quality education and skilled-labor training to each and every Nebraskan.

Advocate for Life at All Stages

I am proudly Pro-Life and believe that life at all stages should be cherished and protected. Each person is born with natural rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – and the government’s first and highest duty is to protect these rights, not infringe upon them.


I am committed to defending the innocent and precious life of the unborn.  As a parent and grandparent, nothing is more beautiful than holding a newborn baby for the first time.  Terminating the ability for an unborn baby to fully develop and come into this amazing world God created, to enjoy all that we ourselves have been blessed with, is against what I stand for. Further, our taxpayer dollars should not fund those who do. I also remain deeply devoted to ending the modern day slavery of human and sex trafficking, researching and accelerating cures for life-threatening diseases, and advocating on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalized in our communities to empower their opportunities to thrive in society.

Serve and Empower our Veterans, Military, and their Families

We owe everything to those who wore the uniform in defense of our nation. As a veteran of nearly 25 years of service, one of my highest and most personal priorities will be advocating and delivering for our veterans and military families. 


I pledge to be your voice in the Nebraska Legislature to empower military spouses to find good-paying jobs and receive the support they need to work and thrive. I will also advocate to make Nebraska the most admired and supportive state for veterans to recruit and retain the talent veterans bring to all industries in our state.

Defend First and Second Amendment Rights

First and Second Amendment freedoms are sacred and essential to a robust, free, and healthy Democracy. I swore an oath in the military and in Congress to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I will oppose any legislation, law, person, or entity that infringes upon a Nebraskan's rights to free speech, the free exercise of religion, the right to freely assemble or petition the government, or the right to arm and defend themself.

Make Government Fully Accountable to the People

Government is supposed to work for you - not the other way around. After leading Congressman Bacon’s office to the 2021 award for being the Top Congressional Office in Congress for Constituent Services, I know firsthand how to serve constituents and hold government agencies accountable.


I will work tirelessly to increase government transparency, streamline state agencies, and hold elected and appointed officials accountable to the taxpayers. Presently, there is no recall process or accountability mechanism for Legislators who fail to do what they were elected to do.  I will fix that.  Nebraskans deserve and expect a government that serves them with dignity, trust, and efficiency.

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